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南アジア研究センター(Center for South Asian Studies, CSAS)は、人間文化研究機構プロジェクト「南アジア地域研究」の東京大学拠点(TINDAS)の設置機関として、2017年4 月にグローバル地域研究機構内に設置されました。2022年3月までは同プロジェクトのもとで、「南アジアの経済発展と歴史変動」をテーマとして掲げ、インドを中心とする南アジア諸国における現在の経済発展を長期の歴史的変動の中に位置づけ、南アジア的な発展の在り方を総合的に明らかにすることを目的に研究活動を展開してきました。2022年3月にTINDASが終了したのちは、学内の南アジア研究者を中心に、南アジア関連の研究会の組織や南アジアに関する情報発信、これまで作成・整備したGIS関連情報の紹介などを行っています。

The Center for South Asian Studies (CSAS) was founded in April 2017 as one of the research centers for the NIHU project ‘Integrated Area Studies on South Asia‘. The center has been part of the Institute for Advanced Global Studies (IAGS) from its inception. It organizes seminars and workshops on a wide range of topics related to South Asia and provides information on this region through its website.



南アジア研究センター・セミナー: Dr. Sangita Gopal (University of Oregon), ‛Genre and Eco-cinema in 1980s India’
報告:Dr. Sangita Gopal (University of Oregon), ‛Genre and Eco-cinema in 1980s India’
要旨:Environmental crises in Indian cinema have typically been explored in documentary film, and yet this genre may not be the most effective one for capturing the Anthropocene and the complicity of human actors. Turning to three genre films made by women filmmakers in India in the 1980s, this essay argues that genres such as horror, romantic comedy, and domestic melodrama are aesthetically equipped to express the vast temporal and spatial scales as well as the complex and distributed processes of the Anthropocene. Further, made during a period when ecofeminist movements had gathered momentum to highlight the catastrophic ecological effects of a development agenda driven by the state and capital, these genre films – GeherayeeYugant, and Papeeha – also offer a unique instance of how women filmmakers Aruna Vikas, Aparna Sen, and Sai Paranjpye working within the commercial film industry use the genre film to make common cause with women-led social movements even as they use genre reflexively to underscore the deep structural inequalities that distribute environmental risk differentially among the population, thereby raising ethical questions around responsibility and complicity.

お問い合わせ (Contact us):

〒153-8902東京都目黒区駒場3-8-1, 14号館
Center for South Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Global Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Building 14, 3-8-1, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan.